
Whether this is your first time joining a country club, you are dissatisfied with your current club, recently moved to the area, or reentering the country club scene, we would like you to consider Radley Run Country Club. 

Before you join any club, we’d like you to know some of the questions you should ask any club you are considering. You may even think of this as your RFP (Request for Proposal) for club membership. After all, you should be comfortable knowing the club can meet your personal and business needs, operates in a financially responsible manner, has an active Board of Directors, and an experienced staff.

Here are some questions you should ask:

  1. Please explain your initial fees, on-going fees and any extras the club might charge.
  2. Does the Club have a long-range plan for capital improvements? If so, please tell me about the fees and the plans.
  3. What programs do you have for children?
  4. List the activities that you need in a Club. Do they match what the Club has to offer?
  5. How open is the club to me bringing guests?
  6. How are new members welcomed into the Club?
  7. Tell me about the different payment methods. What is paid annually versus monthly or quarterly?     
  8. Is there a discount for paying upfront?
  9. Is the Club member-owned, corporately owned or an individual private ownership?
  10. What is the history of assessments?

Ask these questions. I think you’ll be very happy with the answers Radley Run gives you.

Radley Run enjoys a nearly 50-year history on the grounds of property once owned by William Penn and Samuel Painter. In 1897 Charles Mather named the land Brandywine Meadow Farm where he established a large horse stable and hunting dog kennel to accommodate the fox hunting passion he enjoyed with friends.   Today our members enjoy other uses for the land; golf, tennis, swimming and fine dining.
MISSION STATEMENT (WHY WE EXIST): To provide our family-oriented membership community and guests with the distinct ambiance of a second home by offering social, dining, and recreational experiences exceeding their expectations, while recognizing the rich character and history of the Club.